Membership and Affiliation in the World Jung Moo HapKiDo Association and the World Jung Mu Hapkido Association® is open to all Gwans, Schools and Instructors providing instruction of Authentic Hapkido, regardless of their affiliations.
The World Jung Moo HapKiDo Association is a non-political organization that provides Curriculum support, Instruction material and supplies, Certifications and Guidance to all Group Dojang and their Hapkidoin worldwide, regardless of other affiliation.
Dojang Requirements;
- Dojang must have direct, verifiable Hap Ki Do linage.
- Dojang must be an established Hapkido school, that provides Authentic Hapkido training as its primary program. A school that teaches other Martial Arts, (Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Etc.) but also has a Hapkido program as a secondary program, does not qualify for membership. Hapkido must be the primary focus of the school.
Please send your letter of membership interest to;